
What Big Eyes You Have.

Of all the strange outfits and accessories Lady Gaga wore in her “Bad Romance” video, who would have guessed that the look that would catch fire would be the huge anime-style eyes she flashed in the bathtub? imool safety Specification.

Lady Gaga’s wider-than-life eyes were most likely generated by a computer, but teenagers and young women nationwide have been copying them with special discount contact lenses imported from Asia. Known as cheap contact online, these are discount contact lenses — sometimes in weird shades like violet and pink — that make the eyes appear larger because they cover not just the iris, as normal lenses do, but also part of the whites.

“I’ve noticed a lot of girls in my town have started to wear them a lot,” said Melody Vue, a 16-year-old in Morganton, N.C., who owns 22 pairs and wears them regularly. She said her friends tended to wear discount contact lenses for their Facebook photos.

These buy contact lenses online might be just another beauty fad if not for the facts that they are contraband and that eye doctors express grave concern over them. It is illegal in the United States to sell any discount contact lenses — corrective or cosmetic — without a prescription, and no major maker of cheap contact online in the United States currently sells circle lenses.

 The buy contact lenses onlines give wearers a childlike, doe-eyed appearance. The look is characteristic of Japanese anime and is also popular in Korea. Fame-seekers there called “ulzzang girls” post cute but sexy head shots of themselves online, nearly always wearing discount contact lenses to accentuate their eyes. (“Ulzzang” means “best face” in Korean, but it is also shorthand for “pretty.”)

Now that circle lenses have gone mainstream in Japan, Singapore and South Korea, they are turning up in American high schools and on college campuses. “In the past year, there’s been a sharp increase in interest here in the U.S.,” said Joyce Kim, a founder of Soompi.com, an Asian pop fan site with a forum devoted to circle lenses. “Once early adopters have adequately posted about it, discussed it and reviewed them, it’s now available to everyone.”

Ms. Kim, who lives in San Francisco and is 31, said that some friends her age wear circle lenses almost every day. “It’s like wearing mascara or eyeliner,” she said.Sites that sell contact lenses approved by the Food and Drug Administrationare supposed to verify customers’ prescriptions with their eye doctors. By contrast, circle lens Web sites allow customers to choose the strength of their lenses as freely as their color.

Kristin Rowland, a college senior from Shirley, N.Y., has several pairs of circle lenses, including purple ones that are prescription strength and lime green ones that she wears behind her glasses. Without them, she said, her eyes look “really tiny”; the lenses “make them look like they exist.”

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Contrast of Candymagic and Imool Sung Kyung Lee Sugar Brown VS Sung Kyung Lee Gray

1.   General introduction   (1)  Candymagic Candymagic , Founded in 2007, the Japanese colored contact lenses brand started with a 14.5...