

HOW TO PACK discount colored contact lenses WHEN FLYING OR DRIVING 

Packing correctly is really the key to ensuring you don’t end up miserable and unable to see while you’re on vacation. First of all, always bring back-up discount colored contact lenses. Even if you’re only going to be gone for a day or two, you never know when one may rip and that can really put a damper on your good time. Be sure to pack your eyeglasses as well and bring along your prescription so you can get a new pair or some lenses if you’re in a pinch. Switching to discount colored contact lenses, at least temporarily, would be your best bet. You won’t need solution or a case and you won’t have to worry about how to put them in and take them out if conditions are less than sanitary. 

cheap colored contact lenses COMFORT WHILE ON THE ROAD (OR IN THE AIR)

While you can certainly wear your cheap colored contact lenses on a plane, be aware that conditions like reduced oxygen availability, the cabin pressure and the lack of humidity, mean your contacts can get pretty uncomfortable and dry, particularly on long flights. Be sure to bring a small bottle of lubricating eye drops (less than 3.4 ounces) with you and use them liberally to combat dry eyes. Or, better yet, wear your eyeglasses for flights over three hours. If you’ll be driving, you won’t experience the same airline cabin woes but rewetting drops will ensure you’re comfortable and can see clearly after staring at the road for a while.  

HOW TO KEEP cheap colored contacts CLEAN WHILE TRAVELING

You’ll follow the same exact guidelines you always do in order to keep cheap colored contacts sanitized. If you’re on a plane or in a hotel, more than likely you can wash your hands with soap and water before handling your lenses. For those who’ll be camping in the wilderness or in a car without reliable pit stops, again, we have to say dailies will make your life so much easier. If they’re not an option and you want to use your weekly or monthly cheap colored contact lenses, it’s imperative that your hands are clean before you touch your eyes or contacts. If soap and water are nowhere to be found, hand sanitizer will get rid of the germs. However, it contains alcohol, which will irritate your eyes. After you use the sanitizer and let it dry, rinse your fingertips with bottled water to remove the alcohol. No bottled water? Jeez. Okay, the next best thing would be rinsing your fingertips with extra contact lens solution. Once your paws are clean, go through the usual steps for storing and putting in your cheap colored contact lenses. 



Contrast of Candymagic and Imool Sung Kyung Lee Sugar Brown VS Sung Kyung Lee Gray

1.   General introduction   (1)  Candymagic Candymagic , Founded in 2007, the Japanese colored contact lenses brand started with a 14.5...