
How to Match Your brand contact lenses With Your Makeup

If you've decided to buy a pair of brand contact lenses then you're probably trying to make a good impression on somebody. Well, you've made a great choice as they are a great way to stand out against a crowd of people, light shades of green and blue can give a persons face that extra wow quality, which so many young ladies want. These days candymagic contact lenses  have gone through many changes and are no longer the uncomfortable and inconvenient lenses of the past; you can buy a set at a very reasonable price and in a thin variety for extra comfort. The ranges of color available to customers come in hundreds of different types of exotic shades, all of which can be used to give you a certain look depending on your personal preference.
If you are a young lady who also wears make up together with a pair of blue contacts, then it pays to be aware of certain color contrasts that give you a more natural look. Though it completely depends on the color of your skin and the shade of contact that you have chosen; some one with fair skin and green contacts wouldn't choose to wear blue and yellow eye shadow. Instead they should use an eye shadow color that compliments their green eyes, such as light green. It is important to get a natural subtle look, so for eye shadow colors always use a lighter shade of your contact color; if you have blue contacts, use a light blue shade. Bright and loud colors are fun, but they can give off an unbalanced and trashy feeling.
Tip: If you want your eyes to stand out use a lighter colored make up, darker colors will minimize their appearance.
There are 3 main eye colors brown, green and blue, with brown being the most common, the difference that sets everyone apart is the type of shade that they have. You may have a set of ordinary brown eyes, but in some cases they can be of such a light shade that they look hazel, the same occurs with very light blue eyes and they can start to look grey.
When attempting to get that perfect stunning look that attracts all the guys, you need to be concerned with 3 things your eye, skin and make up colors, the main goal is to get all of these areas to compliment each other. Everyone has different tastes, but there are specific colors that match each other and those that don't, most people say that you should match your eyeliner with your clothes, but the truth is, you can get much better affect if you match them closely with your eye color. The general rule of thumb is to try and match all three as closely as possible and you won't go wrong.
Blue Contacts Lenses
If you're going for a natural or subtle look then use a light blue shade of eyeliner, as mentioned before, this will push your eyes out. To really make a pair of light blue contacts pop, then use an earthy tone such as a brown with a slight purple tinge or a grayish color. To add a little more of a fun sweet feel then a touch of pink around the eyelids will work well with blue.
Green or Hazel Contacts Lenses
Green and hazel eyes work well on some one with darker toned skin, like a bronzed tanned look. Both of these color contact lenses work well with purple eyeliner, the contrast between these two colors gives them a more dramatic appearance. If you're planning to go out on the town for the night then try this special diva look; use an earthy mocha colored eyeliner with tinges of orange on the edges of your eyelids, finally curl those lashes up and darken them out. Why not experiment with the four complimentary colors until you find something you like, they are mainly earthy tones, purple, gold, taupe and mocha brown.
Brown Contacts Lenses
Finally last but not least brown colored contacts, not everyone's favorite, but an easy one to match with your make up. Brown contacts match with almost every color eyeliner, but to add a little zest to your appearance and make your baby browns stand out, use either a pink or green eye shadow. Some brown contacts contain small gold colored details to make them more authentic, if this is the case with yours then try a gold shimmer eye shadow. With brown eyes you are basically free to experiment to your hearts content, have fun and be creative, just watch out for too many loud colors.

How to Choose brand contact lenses

During my days as a student studying for my O’ levels I have been quite consumed by the desire and soon giving that desire fulfillment by wearing brand contact lenses. I suppose any girl who has naturally dark eyes, like dark brown or black, at times wishes that her eyes were of a different colour. And thanks to the era we were born in, we can actually help in the situation. I am not saying that dark eyes aren’t wonderful, in fact now that I have matured; my need to constantly change the colour of my Ocean colored contacts lenses has ebbed to a point that I rarely wear Contact lenses in colors. Anyway, that is besides the point.

Choosing the right colour:

Coloured contact lenses come in various shades and it is sometimes difficult, especially for first time users to choose which colour to wear. Although I am aware that those who buy contact lenses, usually have a preconceived notion that a certain colour will look great on them, or that they wish to wear a particular shade of green or blue, it is not always the case that that colour will look great on them. However, there is a way that even colours that you are dying to wear but feel like it would not suit your skin colour or face structure can be worn beautifully if worn together with the right eye makeup. It needs to be realized that coloured contact lenses usually needs to be worn with a bit of eye makeup to blend the colour with your skin and face to make it seem natural. Wearing coloured contact lenses with no makeup is usually a disaster as it generally looks out of place. I am not asking you to wear tons of makeup, perhaps just a little kohl under and around the eyes or a little shimmery eye makeup with black mascara. Try to refrain from wearing green eye shadow with green contacts and blue with blue contacts unless you know your way around the makeup department.
Dark and milk chocolate skin:
Although most people have a predetermined idea that dark skinned people should not wear coloured contact lenses of a lighter shade, I beg to differ. Honey or Autumn, which has a beautiful bright glow to it, are great colours for dark skinned girls. It adds mischief to the eyes and gives a tiger like quality. If you want a cooler look, you can also go for misty grey or amethyst, they are both colours with a cold undertone, it adds sexiness to the eyes. Shades of green and blue can also be worn but try not to steer towards bright shades of green or blue, go for a subtle look by choosing dark shades of green or blue as it will blend it well.

Olive or tanned skin:

Going for bright shades is a good idea. Make your eyes shine by going for a bright shade of green as it would be the best choice for you. Try not to wear green makeup with green contacts as it will dull your eyes. However, shades of blue should be avoided. Other colours to consider are honey, hazel and grey. Navy blue coloured contact lenses look fantastic too if you are planning on a subtle change.

Fair skin:

Blues and grays are great shades for you. Honey should be avoided as the mischief that usually comes with honey does not usually suit girls of a fairer shade as the skin is too light to carry out the playful mischief with the eyes. Just go for bright and shiny colours. Turquoise and Carrabin aqua are colours that give fair people the freshness of the ocean and looks great when worn with white clothes. Purple and amethyst look fantastic on fair skin as it gives an innocent look that blends with the fair skin. Only really fair people can honestly wear shades of violet without any makeup and yet make it seem so beautifully natural.
For all skin colours:
Going for contact lenses that have three rich shades blended together is great for all skin colours. Again, there are actually no fixed rules that anyone needs to follow. Try to take chances and try out new colours.


Helpful makeup tips for cheap colored contacts wearers

According to the American Optometric Association, how makeup interacts with your According to the American Optometric Association, how makeup interacts with your cheap colored contacts can be one of the biggest challenges that grey colored contacts  wearers face. How to prevent common problems related to wearing makeup and contact lenses is easy once you know some quick tips. Picking the right makeup products and applying them carefully will help you stay away from these issues. Follow our tips and your makeup will look and feel great without irritating your contact lenses buy colored contacts online!

Put your contacts in first

Before applying any makeup or moisturizer, wash your hands and apply your contact lenses. Be sure to wash your hands carefully because anything you touch can potentially transfer onto the lenses. Once both lenses are in, you can move on to applying makeup.
If you plan on wearing eye shadow or liners, it is a good idea to apply a primer to help your look last all day. If you do happen to get makeup on your contacts, be sure to thoroughly wash the lenses with fresh contact lens solution.

Eye makeup tips for contact lens wearers

“Use only water-based eye makeup remover and mascara that is labeled as hypoallergenic and oil-free," says Dr. John Lahr, the Medical Director for EyeMed Vision Care. He also recommends avoiding waterproof mascara and eyeliner because they contain petroleum distillates which can irritate your eyes.
In regards to eye shadow, Dr. Lahr recommends using cream eye shadows instead of powdered shadows for less irritation as well. However, if you feel attached to your powdered eye shadows, try to mix them with a bit of water to help them adhere to your eyelids and avoid flaking which can irritate your lenses.
When applying eyeliner, do your best to avoid lining the inner eyelid margins because this can lead to blocked tear secretion pores causing dry eyes. While you may not love how this tip impacts your eyeliner application, your health is important!
A useful mascara tip is to avoid fiber mascaras as well as any mascaras that easily flake. Mascara flakes in your eyes is annoying whether or not you are wearing contacts, so you will really want to be sure to avoid this type of mascara when you are wearing contacts because the mascara can ultimately damage the lenses and more so your eyes!

Facial powder tips for contact lens wearers

Powder is a big part of many individual's makeup routines. Using powder can absolutely remain in your routine, but if you are a contact lens wearer, choose a loose powder and be sure to close your eyes during the application.

Remove makeup mindfully

While removing makeup may seem easy enough, remove your makeup with care at the end of the day. Use a fragrance free and oil-free makeup remover, and finding one that is water-based is even better! Use soft pads as opposed to cotton balls because cotton balls can be irritating and leave fiber debris.

Other useful makeup tips for contact lens wearers

“If you are worried about costs, contact lenses for children average about $300 a year. If you believe your child is a good candidate, then contacts are definitely a good and reasonable investment to consider," said Dr. Lahr.
Apart from being careful while applying and removing makeup, Dr. Lahr also recommends keeping your contacts away from the following products to help keep your contacts clean and healthy:
· Nail polish remover
· Nail polish
· Perfume
· False eyelash glue
While these makeup tips for contact wearers may seem simple, it is easy to forget them and to unintentionally irritate your eyes. The next time you apply makeup, think about these tips and you will be sure to have clean, healthy eyes alongside your beautiful face. can be one of the biggest challenges that contact lens wearers face. How to prevent common problems related to wearing makeup and contact lenses is easy once you know some quick tips. Picking the right makeup products and applying them carefully will help you stay away from these issues. Follow our tips and your makeup will look and feel great without irritating your contact lenses!

Put your contacts in first

Before applying any makeup or moisturizer, wash your hands and apply your contact lenses. Be sure to wash your hands carefully because anything you touch can potentially transfer onto the lenses. Once both lenses are in, you can move on to applying makeup.
If you plan on wearing eye shadow or liners, it is a good idea to apply a primer to help your look last all day. If you do happen to get makeup on your contacts, be sure to thoroughly wash the lenses with fresh contact lens solution.

Eye makeup tips for contact lens wearers

“Use only water-based eye makeup remover and mascara that is labeled as hypoallergenic and oil-free," says Dr. John Lahr, the Medical Director for EyeMed Vision Care. He also recommends avoiding waterproof mascara and eyeliner because they contain petroleum distillates which can irritate your eyes.
In regards to eye shadow, Dr. Lahr recommends using cream eye shadows instead of powdered shadows for less irritation as well. However, if you feel attached to your powdered eye shadows, try to mix them with a bit of water to help them adhere to your eyelids and avoid flaking which can irritate your lenses.
When applying eyeliner, do your best to avoid lining the inner eyelid margins because this can lead to blocked tear secretion pores causing dry eyes. While you may not love how this tip impacts your eyeliner application, your health is important!
A useful mascara tip is to avoid fiber mascaras as well as any mascaras that easily flake. Mascara flakes in your eyes is annoying whether or not you are wearing contacts, so you will really want to be sure to avoid this type of mascara when you are wearing contacts because the mascara can ultimately damage the lenses and more so your eyes!

Facial powder tips for contact lens wearers

Powder is a big part of many individual's makeup routines. Using powder can absolutely remain in your routine, but if you are a contact lens wearer, choose a loose powder and be sure to close your eyes during the application.

Remove makeup mindfully

While removing makeup may seem easy enough, remove your makeup with care at the end of the day. Use a fragrance free and oil-free makeup remover, and finding one that is water-based is even better! Use soft pads as opposed to cotton balls because cotton balls can be irritating and leave fiber debris.

Other useful makeup tips for contact lens wearers

“If you are worried about costs, contact lenses for children average about $300 a year. If you believe your child is a good candidate, then contacts are definitely a good and reasonable investment to consider," said Dr. Lahr.
Apart from being careful while applying and removing makeup, Dr. Lahr also recommends keeping your contacts away from the following products to help keep your contacts clean and healthy:
· Nail polish remover
· Nail polish
· Perfume
· False eyelash glue
While these makeup tips for contact wearers may seem simple, it is easy to forget them and to unintentionally irritate your eyes. The next time you apply makeup, think about these tips and you will be sure to have clean, healthy eyes alongside your beautiful face.


A Makeup Guide For contact lenses online Wearers

Contact lenses online allow you to really show off your eyes and also to have some fun with make-up and create many different looks for yourself. These tips are meant for anyone irrespective of whether you wear blue contacts or not, so go on and just get busy with your eyeliners!

The right colour of eye make-up can actually make a dramatic difference to your eyes. Many people get into something of a habit with their eye make-up and tend to stick to more conservative colours such as shades of grey and brown. But not experimenting with colours is definitely a missed opportunity.

The one thing to bear in mind is that there are no absolute rules: most colours can suit most eye colours, but some shades will work better than others. Since everyone has a unique eye colour, it can be fun to find the colours that make your eyes stand out the best, and may also open up a whole new way of how you view your make-up.

Use contrast, but keep it flexible
The general rule in terms of eye make-up is to use colours that compliment the colour of your eyes. This means mainly colours that are opposite to your own eye colour on the colour wheel. By going for a contrasting colour, you will enhance your own eye colour.

Red tones complement greens, for example, and therefore burgundy and copper tones will work well in enhancing green eyes. You can also use colours that provide a contrast but which are closer to each other on the colour wheel.

Turquoise, which basically a mix of blue and green, can work well as eyeliner for blue eyes. Since brown is a mix of all the primary colours, there are a lot of options that can work well with brown eyes.

If your eyes are a lighter colour, the results will be much more mixed. Those with a lighter eye colour generally have more to gain from getting the colour of eye make-up right. It is also important to remember about your skin tone as generally speaking, people with a darker skin tone can tolerate stronger colours.

Experimenting with Pattern contact lenses
With Pattern contact lenses, the options have become limitless. You do not just have to stick to shades that flatter your natural colour, but can either accentuate your existing eye colour, or go for a completely different colour with opaque contact lenses.
If you have a lighter eye colour, such as blue, green and hazel, you can try enhancer contacts, which will not completely alter your existing colour, but rather accentuate the beauty of your own natural colour. If you have dark brown eyes, opaque lenses that fully change your existing colour is the best option.

Tips to enhance blue eyes
For a sexy look, use brown-golden shades of golds, oranges, coppers, and browns.
Some purples and pink can look nice, especially when toned down with brown-gold in the crease.
For a fresh look, try fuschia pink or orange on the lid combined with a line of brown in the crease. The will make your eyes look bigger and the blue colour crisp and youthful.
You do not have to go without blue completely. A darker blue can help blue eyes pop, but use it in moderation. For an evening look, dark blue in a charcoal shade can work great on the outer side of the lid towards the lash line and half way up to the end of your eyebrows.
You can use dark blue eyeliner in the waterline to enhance the blue and make the white of your eye look clear and fresh.
For those with a more grey shade of blue, warmer colours with some red can work well, such as purple, and a darker warm blue with some shade of red can work well for an evening look.
Tips for green eyes
Green-eyed gals should go for earthy tones like brown, beige and tan for a more natural look. To kick it up a notch, try accents of gold, taupe and mocha.
For a smokey eye eve look, charcoal grey and steely grey can work well on the lids and on the lash line.
Red tones can make green eyes even crisper. Try fuchsia and lavender-purple. Since most green eyes have a great variety of flecks, the exact effect will vary from person to person.
For a more mysterious look, a charcoal hunter green combination can work well. The best is to find a hunter green that offers some contrast to your existing eye colour. For eyes with a slight yellow hue, try a hunter green with some yellow in it. For green eyes with yellow and brown spots, try a darker green with some blue tone.
Tips for hazel brown eyes
For a daytime look, go for rich, earthy autumn colors like browns, golds, and greens. Try a touch of green or brown over the eyes, and add taupe, matte gold or a colour matching your skin tone on the inner corners of the eyes. Use brown mascara and eyeliner to create a natural look.
For a more striking effect, try the opposite side of the color wheel. Two colours that can be a great shade for smokey eyes are purple or aubergine. Use a crisper tone for shadow, and go for a deeper, darker tone with the liner. The red in the purple and aubergine creates a gorgeous contrast to hazel.
You can bring out blue and green spots in hazel eyes with shades of blue and grey shadow.
Metallic colours, like shimmering greys, coppers and golds can also naturally highlight multi-coloured flecks in hazel eyes.
Tips for brown and dark eyes
Dark eyed girls can be a bit more daring. Most colours can work well, but there are still variations in the colour depth of dark eyes, so make-up colours can make a difference.
Green and pink can really make dark eyes pop. Your skin tone will determine how strong a colour you can tolerate well. The darker the skin, the deeper and more striking the colour should be.
For a pretty daytime look, try fuchsia combined with charcoal grey or dark brown liner.
Women who want to go for a striking evening look, can try deep blue or green shadow, with a dark grey or black liner and mascara. A thicker layer of black ink liner can make the eyes stand out and create a sexy evening look.

A Guide for contact lenses online Wearers

General Tips

· Wash your hands and plug the sink before handling.
· Never use tap water to rinse your lenses (except for emergencies).
· Avoid using your nails.
· Use the solutions recommended by your eye care professional. Never mix products 
of different brands. Although many companies mention “no-rub” on their 
solutions, it is strongly recommended to lightly rub your contact lenses online for a few seconds 
after removing them.
· Non-waterproof and hypoallergenic makeup is recommended.
· Be careful with sprays and hair products. Close your eyes if you use them while wearing your contact lenses online.
· Always store your cheap contacts in your case when you are not wearing them.
· Avoid exposing your case to extreme temperatures when your lenses are stored in it (e.g. in a vehicle parked in the summer sun or winter cold).
· Never use saliva to moisten your candymagic contact lenses.
· Always insert your lenses before applying makeup to your eyes and remove your lenses before you remove your eye makeup.
· Wear sunglasses to prevent your lenses from drying out when practicing high-speed activities (e.g. cycling).
· Always bring your contact lens solution, glasses and contact lenses case with you in case of an emergency.
· When your eyes burn or feel dry, one or two contact lens eye drops can ease your discomfort.
· It is not recommended to wear your lenses when swimming. However, if you wish to do so, it is recommended to wear goggles.
· Clean your case with your soaking solution and let it air dry upside down.
· Replace your case every three months.
· Although most soft lenses available now allow your eyes to breathe very well, it is safer to remove them before going to sleep.


1. First, verify that the lenses are on the right side.
2. To avoid swapping lenses, always start with the right lens and only open one side of your case at a time.
3. Place the wet lens on the dry tip of the index finger of your dominant hand.
4. Pull your lower eyelid down with the middle finger of the hand inserting the lens.
5. Looking up, place the lens gently on the lower white part of your eye.

6. Bring your gaze downward to position the lens correctly.
7. Slowly release your eyelid and close your eye for a moment. Blink a few times to center the lens in your eye. Repeat for the other eye.


1. While directing your gaze upward, pull your lower eyelid down using the middle finger of the hand used to insert your lenses.
2. Gently bring your index finger close to your eye until you touch the bottom of the lens. Slide the lens to the lower white part of your eye.
3. Gently squeeze the lens between your thumb and index and pull it out of your eye.

 Normal Adaptation Symptoms
· Slight sensation of a foreign body, like an eyelash
· Intermittently blurred vision
· Slight redness
· Increased sensitivity to light (good sunglasses are recommended)
· More frequent blinking
· For new multifocal contact lens wearers:
3D effect while reading
Diffused points of light at night
Increased need for light when reading
Adaptation symptoms can last from one week to one month.

Contrast of Candymagic and Imool Sung Kyung Lee Sugar Brown VS Sung Kyung Lee Gray

1.   General introduction   (1)  Candymagic Candymagic , Founded in 2007, the Japanese colored contact lenses brand started with a 14.5...